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Tastings, Tours &
What's Up

Beer & Cheese: aka The Fungus & Mold Tasting -- 1:00PM at Urban Artifact

Fungus, mold, and bacteria -- we usually label these species as "germs" and blame them when we get sick. But did you know that under the right conditions, these microbes are also responsible for putting alcohol in our beer, creating sour beers, and making many of the tastiest, most complex flavors in cheese?  


Join Chris Anderson, host of Science Around Cincy and Outsider Classroom, as he leads you through a tasting of five artisanal cheeses, expertly paired with five finely crafted brews. Stephanie Webster,  biology teacher turned Cincy's most respected cheesemonger, Mary Ellen Finnegan, a biochemist at P&G and certified beer judge, Dr. Senu Apewokin, MD, microbiologist, and professor at UC, and Roxanne Westendorf, President of the Bloatarians and Homebrewer Extraordinaire will provide fun, approachable explanations for why you enjoy certain flavors and why certain beers and cheeses pair so well. You'll have a blast and gain an understanding of why beer and cheese make a much better team than cheese and wine. 


Includes 5 cheese and 5 beer tastings. Lasts approx. 60 minutes.


1:00PM, June 1, 2024 at Urban Artifact Brewery

1660 Blue Rock St., Cinti. OH 45223


Join the Brew Skies Happy Hour Podcast hosts and authors of the brank new book, Tanked In Cincinnati, Bret Kollmann Baker and Michael D. Morgan, on a tour through Urban Artifact and Humble Monk breweries. Along the way, we talk about the breweries, meet Mike Kemp the Humble Monk, explore a bit of local beer history, share the story of how we found Missing Linck Yeast and turned it into a festival and official city holiday, and sample six of this year's Missing Linck beers!


Includes the beers, some legit info., and a whole lot of b.s. Lasts approximately 60 minutes.


3:00PM, June 1, 2024 at Humble Monk Brewery

1641 Blue Rock St., Cinti. OH 45223


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FREE Brewer's Panel & Book Release -- 5:00PM at Urban Artifact

Missing Linck 2024 is the official release of Tanked In Cincinnati: Fortune & Calamity In The Beer Business by co-authors Michael D. Morgan and Bret Kollmann Baker. Tanked In Cincinnati is the story of some of the pioneers of the Cincy craft beer scene and their stories -- good and bad but always real. For the official release of the book, we have assembled a panel of some of our favorite experts to talk about the joys and hardships of the business and answer all of your questions, no matter how truly stupid they may be. 


5:00PM, June 1, 2024 at Urban Artifact Brewery

1660 Blue Rock St., Cinti. OH 45223

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Stein Holding Competition -- 6:00PM at Humble Monk

The CIA says that extended stress positions aren't torture, and if we can't trust the people who invented LSD, who can we trust? So, just do it. It'll be fun, and you'll get a cool stein and maybe win something.


There's a whole set of rules to keep it fair and make it an official US Steinholding competition (Full rules here), but the concept is simple. If you can hold a 33 oz stein of water (so no party fouls) by the handle with an outstretched arm longer than anybody else, you win! There's a first, second, and third place in both male and female categories, and you will qualify to go to the state competition. CASH prizes, baby! Performance enhancing drugs are optional.


$20 entry fee includes  a cool ass stein. Sign up in advance by stopping by Humble Monk Brewery or the day-of.

6:00PM -- Women

6:30PM -- Men and primates

At Humble Monk Brewery

1641 Blue Rock St., Cinti. OH 45223

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FREE Sasquatch Calling Competition -- 8:00PM at Urban Artifact  

Sasquatch, Big Foot, Yeti. Are they all the same creature, or would they be offended because we don't know the difference? Are they successfully illusive because they stay off the grid, or have they begun to walk boldly among us and we just don't see them because we're obliviously staring at our phones? These are intriguing questions best left up to Mammologists and social workers. Although they have made themselves heard, only a

fortunate few have been paying enough attention to notice, so most of us don't really know what they sound like. That means that what it takes to call a Sasquatch -- from hiding or for mating rituals -- is up for very wide interpretation, and we want to know what YOU think.


Come give us your best Sasquatch call. A panel of random, mildly intoxicated judges will determine the winners and award valuable prizes.


Rules? None. Costume? Sure, if you think it helps, but not required. Advanced registration? Nope, just come to the back of the Urban Artifact taproom before


8:00PM, June 1, 2024 at Urban Artifact Brewery

1660 Blue Rock St., Cinti. OH 45223

Free, Baby!


Party rock for all occasions. 


1-5PM at Humble Monk Brewery, 1641 Blue Rock St., Cincinnati, OH 45223 

Party rock for all occasions


5:30PM at Humble Monk Brewery, 1641 Blue Rock St., Cincinnati, OH 45223 

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Missing Ingredient Homebrew Competition Winners Announced

Missing Linck is all about spreading Cincinnati's fabulously funky heritage Missing Linck Yeast around the beer drinking and brewing communities like.....well, a fungus -- but the good kind.

In the spirit of the event, Urban Artifact has generously distributed the yeast to every regional homebrewer that has asked for it, and they've been working on their variations of Missing Linck for the past weeks or months. In one sense, homebrewers have an advantage over commercial brewers. They have a lot more leeway to get creative with very small batches; and the rules for homebrewers are the same as the rules for commercial brewers -- use the yeast and do whatever you want with it.


On May 31st a combined panel of certified beer judges and just some great people that we enjoy drinking with will judge the entries, and the beers that we choose as the best of the batches will be announced at Urban Artifact at 12:30PM, June 1st. 

You Gottta Eat Somethin'

Sustenance for your journey is provided by:

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Butt Brothers Barbeque 

After 35 years of running the iconic Washington Platform Restaurant & Saloon, Jon Diebold knows 2 things for sure: bad innuendo and great food. His newest venture will be on the scene with huge hunks of meat for you Neanderthals, Sausage Lincks in buns made with Missing Linck Yeast for those of you that have evolved into puns -- but not beyond yet, and delicious plant-based offerings for you herbivores and aspiring higher lifeforms. 

Missing Linck Menu Includes:


Chili & Cheddar 'Tot'chos
Smoked Turkey Leggs
Cajun Grilled Grouper Sandwich, on a Missing Linck Yeast Rolls

Linck Cellar

Missing Linck Festival

Urban Artifact Brewing Co.

1660 Blue Rock St.

Cincinnati, OH 45223

Now you're part of the evolution!

Missing Linck Festival

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